当前位置:首页 » 商场百货 » 最近的商场在哪里英语怎么说


发布时间: 2021-03-04 22:45:40

❶ 那个商场离我们比较远用英语怎么说

The store is a little far from us.

❷ 商场地址 英语怎么说

the address of the shoppingcenter/mall/market

❸ 带你去商场用英语怎么说

go to the market with you

❹ 英语翻译:你知道最近的商场在哪吗

Do you know where the nearest shopping mall is?

❺ 在商店附近的英文怎么写,两种

Near the store在商店附近

Not far from the store
Next to the store在商店旁边

❻ 商店在哪用英语怎么翻译

Where is the shop/store?

❼ 下午我和我的朋友去我家最近的商场购物用英语怎么翻译

PM me and my friends to my house the nearest shopping mall

❽ 然后在右前方约100米处就有一家商场用英语怎么说

1. Wait for
2. Late
3. Carefully
4. Go straight
5. In the street to play
6. Shui wrong turn
7 tickets
8 drunk driving. It right in front of about 100 meters
9. This is about 15 kilometers away from the far
10 . along the street has come to an end, you will find it in your left
11. Every year, many people injured or killed in traffic accident

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