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发布时间: 2021-03-08 14:50:16

『壹』 我的妈妈和我一起去购物英语的疑问句


My mom and I went shopping.

What did your mom and you do?

『贰』 (今天我妈妈来了,所以我很高兴,一整天我都和我妈妈一起逛街了) 用英语怎么说

My mother is come here today.So I am very happy.I was shopping with my mother all day.

『叁』 我和我妈妈一起去超市三种英语怎么说法

I go to the supermarket with my mom
I go with my mom to supermarket.
Mom and I go to the supermarket together.

『肆』 我常和妈妈去买东西的英语怎么写

I often go shopping with my mother.

『伍』 有时候我也喜欢和妈妈一起去购物 翻译成英文

Sometimes, I also like going shopping with my mother.

『陆』 英语作文:我和妈妈去购物

和妈妈一起购物(专Go shopping with my mother)属
Today, I go shopping with my mother. There are lots of things at the supermarket. There are lots of books on Shelf A. there are toys and balls on Shelf B. they are pens and pencils on Shelf C. There are lots of fruit on Shelf D. There are clothes on Shelf E. I want to buy a new pen, a toy plane, and a football. My mother wants to buy some fruit, a shirt, some fish. But we bought a new pen, a football, fish and some fruit. We have a good time, today.

『柒』 她有时会和我妈妈一起去逛街用英语怎么说

She sometimes goes shopping with my mother

『捌』 我的妈妈经常和我在超市购物用英语怎么说

My mother often goes shopping with me in the supermarket

『玖』 我经常在星期天和妈妈一起购物汉译英I ofteng( )( ) with my mother on Sundays.

我经常在星期天和妈妈一起购物汉译英I ofteng(go )(shopping) with my mother on Sundays.

祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢 !

『拾』 早上我将和我的妈妈一起去购物用品英语翻译i'l丨开头

I'll go shopping with my mum this morning.

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